Thursday, May 5, 2016

The End (Mustachio mission part 5)

We were in a life a death situation the cook had her high fructose corn syrup ray pointed at us at any moment she was going to pull the trigger. Then I realized there was one ray of hope for Bomb and me. But before I could tell Bomb she pressed the trigger.

...The cook was suddenly stunned and could do no more harm. I was glad I remembered my reflector in my mustache. Then I saw our friends who were fighting against the magician. Bomb and I got up to find Sci chase and Ninj tied up by the mysterious man. I attacked the masked man but I was too slow and the next thing I knew he was behind me. With powerful kick I was sent flying landing right next to the bomb. There was only thirty seconds before we and the ship was blown into smithereens. Then I realized something it was so simple. Then the timer went to zero.

By this time the bad guys ran away from the explosion that never happened. All I had to do was remove the timer from the bomb there was no anti-tampering mechanism. After deactivating the bomb I rescued my team mates and rush up to catch the felons. When we got on the to the deck the masked man was already far away in his escape boat however the magician was still boarding. When the fiery magician saw us he frantically started the engine and began to follow the mystery man but this one we would not let go. I immediately stepped into action I did a somersault right off the boat and converted my mustache into a hang glider. after a few seconds of following the motorboat I landed on the boat, it was showtime!
I quickly converted my mustache into a sword and my enemy did the same thing and said "olé la lucha está en". He attacked first with an uppercut I quickly blocked and then slashed to the right. He blocked effortlessly and attacked with a powerful side cut. I was able to block but I tripped and fell onto the boats seat."I now got you" said Rodrigo confidently and performed the finishing stroke. I quickly reacted and kicked his legs off balance. The magician was also down unlike me he dropped his sword into the deep ocean in his fall. Without the sword the magician had to switch tactics. He threw a fire ball at my direction.This time I could not escape the blast knocked me backwards into the dark cold sea. 
I was once again in deep water the cold was numbing me but I could not give up. With my sword in my hand I rushed upward and flipped over the light wooden boat. I got on the hull and watched the waters for the Spanish magician but there was no sign of him. The flame was extinguished but I felt we would meet again.