Monday, October 12, 2015

Mustachio mission #1 part 3

I had to escape some how out of this truck. Who knew where they were taking us.  I looked around it was very dark I could only see the silhouettes of the rest of the team. Then I found our kidnappers greatest mistake, they forgot about my mustache. When I tried to reach for my mustache I remembered that my hands were tied to my back. That was when I felt something behind me it was Bomber's bomb lighter. I took the lighter and set fire to my ropes. I got my hands freed and took my mustache pocket knife I and cut the ropes on my team mates. They were still fast asleep not knowing what was happening.
I decided to pay the drivers a quick visit. I took my mustache and put it on laser cutter mode. I cut a gaping hole in the truck. The truck was on the thriller highway and going fast.  I cut again to go to the drivers seat of the truck. I saw two masked men both having black suits on.
Then I said "What is happening."
Then they replied unknowingly " We were paid to take you and your team to the thrillepic ocean. Then we were told to put you on a small boat and send you off so that you can not be able to go on the cruise ship."
After a 20 seconds the driver told in surprise, " What how did you escape!"
 Immediately I took my stun gun and stunned both of the surprised men. I took control of the truck and turned it around. I crashed into a huge amount of cars and got onto the next lane. And I started driving back to our hotel.
After crashing into what seemed like millions of cars we reached back at our hotel. By then the rest of the team woke up. We took our bags and checked out of our hotel.
By the time we reached the cruise ship the SS Ambassador the ship was about to leave. We got on the ship and got to our cabin quickly.
We decided to do a little tour around the ship and get to know everybody. We went to the lower deck and started our search in the dining hall. The dining hall was huge with an assortment of breakfast items. I started to look around the place there was no sign of any suspicious behavior, everything was  normal. That was when Bomber came to me with his face stuffed with food said " Mustachio, have you tried these cream croissants? They're great."
"Bomb, we came here to protect the ambassador. Not to eat."
"OK you guys go on with your investigation I will try those strawberry tarts now."
The team got out of the dining room(except Bomber ). We decided to see the ambassador first, and the search did not last long. The whole of the third floor was his. We found ourselves facing a huge burly guard. In a serious voice he said " Who are you, and state your business with the ambassador. I took out my gold, white and blue badge and showed it to the guard and said, " We are agents sent by the EIA to ensure the ambassador is safe."
The guard let us in and then said " To get to the ambassador take the first left walk 5 min till you reach a blue door enter and you will find another hallway go straight turn right then turn right again then you will find another blue door. Enter that one and then turn right then turn right and you will find a white door this is where the ambassador is staying."
We went straight and then told to Sci " Do you remember what the guard said I forgot. "
Sci then said "I remember just follow me."
It took 20 min until we found ourselves in the same spot we were before. We heard the burly guard laughing at us " Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho."
That was when I realized the white door was here all along. We entered the room and saw an large  wooden desk in the center of the room and saw 5 bunk beds next to it. There was thin man sitting on the chair and wore green glasses.  "Hello, you must be the secret agents the EIA sent to protect me. I am sorry but as you see we have top notch security and guards who never sleep and only protect me."
I looked around and saw 20 guards who were in deep sleep even though it was 1:00 pm. I also saw 5 video cameras that were all broken and sending sparks all around. Then the ambassador told," Actually we may need more security you are now my bodyguards. "
We left the ambassador and decided to do a little investigation. We first went to the dining room to get Bomber who was munching on a French pastry. Together we decided to split up and check each part of the ship. Breaker and Chase decided to search the exercise facilities, Ninj decided to look at the ambassadors "security." Bomber and Sci decided to look in the kitchens and I looked on the deck.
I found nothing out of the unusual other than someone I definitely knew munching on a croissant on his way to the kitchen. I was looking at Bomber when I bumped into a man with a yellow cape.
I quickly said " Sorry "
Upon closer exception I said "Who are you"
The man answered in a low voice saying " My name is Senor Rodrigo, I am the magician for the Ambassador."
To know if he was telling  the truth I said, "can you show me one of your magic tricks"
"Sure" he said.
Then suddenly there was an explosion of smoke and Rodrigo disappeared. Then two seconds later he appeared behind me.
"Wow that was amazing" I replied in awe.
" I will show you something else"
He raised his hand and fire came out. This one was a fail I saw a glint of metal which probably was a flame thrower.
"Wow" I said pretending to be amazed.
" I have to go now and do some work bye."
I left the magician and started walking when I saw a rocket coming at me. I ran as fast as I could but I found it was to fast and was a heat seeking missile. I found myself cornered between the rocket and the ships railing. I had no time to activate the mustache so I jumped into the freezing cold water of the ocean.

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