Friday, November 27, 2015

Mustachios mission one part 4

I hit the water quickly and started sinking like a rock. The rocket continued after me but once it touched the surface of the ocean it exploded
I was still sinking and I could not hold my breath anymore. I quickly turned on my mustache (which was water proof) and set it to propeller mode. The mustache became a disk and got a propeller. The propeller spun at high speed and brought me up to the surface. The propeller continued to fly me up into the air. I turned the mustache in to a grappling hook and got myself on board the ship.
I started looking for the man that fired the rocket but did not find him. That was when I bumped into Bomber and the rest of team 20. Bomber then said, " Hi Mustachio we finished investigating the ship." When Bomber saw that I was wet he said, "Mustachio what happened to you."
"First you guys tell what happened." Chase and Breaker first told "We checked the exercise facilities but there was not much everything was normal." Then Ninj spoke " The ambassadors body guards wont even protect him most were just eating and sleeping. I also checked the ambassadors quarters, the place was pretty secure."
Then Bomber said, "Our adventure was more exciting.When we entered the kitchen I greeted by amazing cream croissants and sweet candy pizza, eclairs covered in chocolate, caramel apples with sprinkles on top. There was also Dulce de leche Cheesecake, fruit parfait, Gouda, shortbread,enchiladas....."
Sci interrupted Bombers long list and said "I was looking around in the cabinets to see if any poisons were stored and Bomber just ate all the food in the refrigerator. I was going to look inside the last cabinet when the cook stopped me right away and started whacking us with a rolling pin. When we got out we decide to join Ninj in his search when someone shot lasers at us. We started running away quickly. I turned to look back and saw the silhouette of a man running away. I inferred that this was the man that shot at us."
"So someone is on board trying to stop the ambassador" I said.
"What happened to you then?" asked Bomber
I told how I met Senor Rodriguez the magician and how someone fired a homing missile. Then I told " I have a feeling that the cook and the man who fired a rocket at me have something in common. We will all investigating at dark."
It was night time,everyone was asleep except 6 people. We all were dressed in dark clothes to be unseen. Ninj was the most disguised he was virtually unnoticed. We silently went Through the dark hallways of the ship. There was no noise except for the oceans crashing waves. We moved quickly toward the kitchens. We opened the door slowly and carefully. We slipped inside and slowly moved toward the uninvestigated  cabinet. Luckily there was no food outside to tempt Bombers taste buds. We opened the cabinet and inside was a secret passage. We got in and went down the stairs. We were about to step in the room when I saw three people already there. We silently watched them. The three was the chef ,a masked man and Senor Rodriguez!
" Is every thing ready Rodriguez" said the masked man.
"Si" replied the magician
"Then lets get out of this boat. My helicopter is ready." said the mysterious man.
The bad guys started walking toward the secret staircase. When the mysterious man had climbed two steps we attacked.
I stuck out my leg and the mysterious man fell down toppling his accomplices. Bomber turned on the light and we stepped out of hiding.
" Its the EIA secret agents and its that Fat guy who almost ate all our food." said the chef.
The magician was on his feet first. He got up and shot three fire balls with his hidden mechanism. The attack missed and Sci quickly took out his laser gun and started shooting. By then the other two got up and attacked. The chef took out what looked like a rocket launcher and fired. It was a taco launcher. The taco had some secret ingredient that no good cook with want, gunpowder. The taco exploded making me fall down. Rodriguez attack he had a sword in his hand and he said,"En garde!"
I took out my Mustache and converted it into a sword. I quickly countered the incoming sword attack. I swiped to the right he blocked vertically. Then the magician put his sword on fire and he attack the sword was knocked out of my hands and on to the ground. I reached out to grab the sword back when the magician disappeared and appeared right in front of me stopping me in my tracks.
Then the magician said," Your completely helpless without your mustache."
I replied saying "Not completely" I got to my feet and kicked the magician flamethrower to the ground. I then did a quick front flip and landed right next to my mustache. I took my mustache sword and converted it to a taser. By the time I fixed my mustache Rodrigo was escaping. I quickly got into action. I started to run after him when I heard a "whoosh" i looked up to see a black spy drone it was the magicians. The magician grabbed on and started flying away. I threw my mustache and hit Rodrigo's hand with full force. The drone tipped over sending the magician into the water. Then I heard an explosion back in the kitchen. I ran toward the sound when I reached I saw a Bomber throwing smoke bombs at the cook. I rushed to help him when the cook took out a sauce bottle and threw it at us. I dodged the bottle but Bomber was not so fortunate the ghost pepper sauce got in his mouth and he started crying. I started to shoot lasers at the cook but the cook blocked the attack with a berry shield. Then the cook then took a cheese shooter and shot a gallon of melted cheese at me. I did not escape this time I was stuck in a gooey mess. Then the cook took most deadly weapon high fructose corn syrup. " No ,not that please I do not want to be fat" said Bomber. The chef however still fired straight for us ,it looked like the end.

Will Mustachio be defeated will Bomber get destroyed by corn syrup his favorite ingredient. Stay tuned and find out in

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