Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Mustachio profile


In the heart of Epic city live the not famous Mustachio. Mustachio's real name is Nate but everyone calls him Mustachio (learn why in the first story). Mustachio is a secret agent for the EIA (Epic Intelligence Agency). The mustache of Mustachio is high tech gadget which looks really like a mustache. One gadget is his fake mustache catches on fire, another gadget is a laser shooter and smoke bomb. Join Mustachio on his epic missions. The next story is the Rise of Mustachio.

Gadget list

  • Powerful light
  • Smoke bomb*
  • Pyromustache
  •  Laser shooter 
  • grappling hook*
  • Put armor on
  • drill*
  • boxing gloves
  • propeller*
  • rocket laucher
  • laser cuter*
  • parachute
  • cell phone
  • GPS
  • and many more to come.

*only can be used when Mustachio takes off his mustache

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