Friday, July 31, 2015

The Final test

"It's time Mustachio"said Trainer
I quickly got up out of bed. It was the middle of the night. I put on my black secret agent suit and put on my hi tech Mustache. Trying not to wake the others up, I tip toed my way to the exit outside where Recruiter was patiently waiting.
"It's time, get in" said Recruiter. I got in Recruiter's small blue spy car.
"Is everything ready?" I asked.
Recruiter replied saying"Yes, just remember this is not real,just a set up.So don't hurt anyone, just get the flag."
"Got it."
The car stopped, "Here's where I will have to leave you" said Recruiter"goodbye and good luck"

I was left alone on the rocky terrain. The fortress was even bigger then what I imagined. I took of my mustache and set it to binocular mode. There was no part of the fortress that was not guarded. Each guard had a stun gun which would only stun you and will not hurt. Before I did anything I set my mustache to stun gun. I started walking toward the heavily guarded fortress when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around without looking I fired. It was a guard, the guard was just about to shoot.
I looked at the fortress there was no chance I would get passed all those  guards. I looked at the guard, there was only one way to get.
I approach the heavily guarded main entrance, disguised with the guards clothes I said,"um..can I please go to the restroom."
"Be quick, I have the feeling that Mustachio is going to enter the fortress soon" said the guard.
The guard opened the metal door which led to a long winding hallway full of guards. Without the disguise I would have never survived. After the hallway was a small room which I knew had traps.
I took a stone out of my pocket and rolled it across the marble floor. Automatic stun guns started shooting at the stone. I ran across the hallway and jumped over the stone which was being shot at
by all the guns. I continued further until I reached a checkered floor . I stepped on the first square, the square was actually a switch. A big robotized cannon came out the wall it started firing stun bombs at me, I ran as fast as I can down the hallway. I was only a few feet away when I stepped on another switch. This time a humongous plastic ball  fell from the ceiling and started rolling towards me. I as fast as I could. I reached the next room which the ball could not enter.
This new room was filled with guards who were all around the EIA flag. The guards all stared at me.
Then one guard said,"wait a minute isn't that Mustachio."
At that a ran at towards the flag toppling down two surprised guards. I snatched the flag I ran as fast as I could. I ran as fast as I could to the exit.

Can Mustachio pass the final test?Find out in part 2!


  1. Great story!! I really like the last part! Please post the next part soon! From Joel

  2. Thanks, the next part is coming very soon.
