Monday, July 27, 2015

Rise of Mustachio Part Two

If you have not read part 1 please scroll down.

"Wow!"said Nate in amazement.
Recruiter started to speak again"We are the intelligence agency of Epic city. We stop terrorist attacks and criminals which the public don't know anything about.
"So why am I here?"asked Nate.
"You will see soon"replied Recruiter.
"Can you tell me where I can get a shave?"

 Recruiter ignored the question and continued walking down marble tiled hallway.
After about two minutes of walking Recruiter stopped at a light blue door with a sign on top that said The Big BOSS. Recruiter knocked on the door and then a loud voice told " Come in!"
Inside was a short man who was sitting next to a huge wooden desk. The man spoke a "Welcome,welcome please take a seat.Nate you probably wondering why you are here. Every year we recruit someone new. This year you are the one chosen. Hope you enjoy your new job." Then the man spoke to Recruiter "Take him to agent craft."          
Recruiter replied saying "Yes boss."
Recruiter and I walked toward another room.This time it was a huge lab filled with every sort of gadget in the world. A man in a blue and white lab coat came to us and said to recruiter "Is this the new agent this year."
Recruiter replied saying"Yes agent craft, general Boss wanted for you to give him a special gadget."
 "Well I think I have the perfect thing for you." Agent craft started going through a hundred drawers finally he got something very small   "Here it is! I have been saving this for a few weeks. It is the most hi tech gadget we got."
It was a dark brown mustache. Then I said "How is a detachable mustache hi tech?"
"Watch this" replied Craft. Craft took back the mustache and pressed a hidden button a touch screen panel popped out with what looked like many apps. Craft pressed one labeled laser cutter and
pointed the mustache toward a cereal box. A laser beam started to cu-

t a hole in the box. Piles and piles of Cheerios fell and cluttered the lab. Craft pressed another app a beam of fire burned the Cheerios.
"Now you can see why this is hi tech"said Craft.
"What a waste of perfectly good Cheerios.
Recruiter then spoke up " Nate as a custom here we make new names for new recruits."
"No wonder everyone has weird names" Nate said.
" Your new name will be Mustachio. You are agent  number 82 and general boss said you will be in squad 20. "continued Recruiter,"Lets go meet them"

 Prepare yourself for part 3 coming soon!

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