Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Team 20 of the EIA

The character list for Mustachio videos


Davids Thrillers and Davins Epic page  presents to you the summer 2015 robot contest. Our robots will compete in two events robot racing  and a robot fight. Please stay tuned for the epic contest results and videos.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Mustachio mission part 2

To read part 1 scroll down

I was going to die. I had no parachute and I was falling from the sky. After 20 seconds of falling I landed with a thud.
"Mustachio wake up!"
I opened my eyes to see Bomber.
"Bomber what happened to my helicopter?" I asked.
"Its right here but it is not going to fly anytime soon."
Bomb was right the blades were broken, the engine was busted, and the front of the helicopter was crumpled.
I looked around at my surroundings , I was on bombers huge plane.

 "Well you are with me for now" said Bomber.
Just then the phantom rays that were chasing us were firing again.
"Duck!" I yelled.

The bullets missed us by an inch.
Bomber went to the cockpit and turned the plane. He fired three rockets. The phantom ray dodged each one easily. Another phantom ray flew right over us sending down twenty bombs at us.
Bomb threw one well aimed bomb. the bomb exploded destroying the other bombs.
Then five men jumped out of the phantom ray and attacked us. They shot at us continually, then Bomber threw a small bomb which when it exploded it knocked of three of the men of the plane.
Bomber threw another bomb o get rid of the other two masked men. But to our dismay one of the masked men shot at it making it explode to early. I started firing my laser. Each time I missed. Then one of the men ran toward me and tried to tackle me. I dodged making him fall of the plane. The last man took out his jet pack and flew into the air.  Thinking he was running away I turned around. That was when i heard an explosion behind me. The masked man was firing rockets at me. I took my mustache and started firing darts at my opponent. One dart hit his jet pack which turned it downwards. This caused the man to fly off and hit a phantom ray. The phantom ray started falling.
There were only 2 phantom rays left. Sci's plane fired three green rockets which exploded  when it exploded a blue fog covered the plane. The plane started to fall. Now there was only one plane left.
The one phantom ray flew straight toward Bomber's plane. I fired my rocket launcher at it but I had missed. Then a fighter flew at 4000 mph rammed right into the phantom ray. The phantom ray's wing were broken and the body was badly damaged. The plane started to fall when the fighter jet fired a bullet. The bullet hit the engine, the spy plane exploded in flames. Then I recognized the plane it was Chase's jet. We continued on our way to Frost city. The rest of the journey was uneventful other then few more phantom rays and a jet pack man. After another 3 hours we reached Frost city airport. We left our planes at the airport and took a train(the conductor was Mr.Bobby) to frost city port where the cruise ship was docked.
The cruise ship was only going to leave tomorrow afternoon so we decided to get some good sleep.
We decided to stay at  frozen hotel.
We all went to sleep on our comfy memory foam beds. All but me, I couldn't sleep after what all happened today.
After 3 hours of being awake it was 1:00 am. That was when I heard metal clinking at the door. 
Then the door creaked open. 6 men in masks came in. I pretended to sleep leaving one eye open.
Each one of them had a laser shooter but one had a rope and a sleeping gas canister.
The man with the rope took the sleeping a gas and sprayed it at each one of us. After each one was sprayed they tied us up. I was last to be gassed I held my breath so I wouldn't be put to sleep. They tied me up thinking that I was asleep. They took us outside through the hotel back door where a truck was waiting. The masked men threw us inside the truck and started to drive away.

Will Mustachio ever escape find out in part 3.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Mustachio Mission #1

"Trainer said I needed a spy vehicle", I said to Rider
"Well I have the perfect vehicle" replied Rider
He showed me a blue and white small car " This car is the fastest car we have but it is still very efficient. It can turn into jet ski and also a super silent helicopter. The weapons of this vehicle is a gravitron."
"What is a gravitron do?" I asked.
"It fires a blue bolt the sends anything flying away. There is also a rocket launcher gyro blaster grenade, fire blaster, small canon and machine gun."
"How much do I have to pay for this?'
"Nothing, you just need to pass the final test"
"Thanks bye."
I went to the cafeteria and sat at team 20 table where all my team was there.
"How did you guys pass the final test?" I asked.
Bomb answered first, " I blasted everyone with stun bombs and rockets"
"You almost destroyed the fortress" said Ninj ,"I climbed up the walls and sneaked pass everyone"
The  breaker said "I rammed into everyone"
The Sci said " This is off topic, but general Boss said he wanted to see us at control center.
"Lets go' I said.
When we reached the control center general boss said " This is very urgent team 20. I have a big  mission for you. Have you heard that the Ambassador of  frost city."
"Yes" said Sci, "isn't he also coming here for government reasons tomorrow on a cruise ship."
"Yes, all of that is true but we have intercepted a radio message which Compute will play for you."
Compute the computer operator played the message which said ," The plan is working boss, the
ambassador is never going to reach his destination. Teams 1,2 and 3 are all set on the cruise ship."
" Well as you can clearly see this is a plot against the government. This is where you will come in. We will give you tickets for the cruise so you can find any 
suspicious behavior and protect the ambassador."
We went out of EIA headquarters to where our spy vehicles were at. Bomber's was a truck, Breaker's was a tank which could also fold into a van, Ninj's was a  black Mustang, Chase's was a sports car.
We all got into our vehicles and started driving. Through radio contact Breaker asked, where are we going"
"Don't you know"I replied"we are going to frost city through the thrillepic ocean."
After 20 min of driving in the country side we reached the beach.
"Let's now go into flight mode" said Sci
My car turned into a blue and white sleek helicopter." Let's go" I said.
At 500 miles an hour we flew across the thrillepic ocean.
After 20 min of uninteresting flying, Bomb shouted through the radio, " Watch out!"
I quickly made my helicopter dive down. That's when I heard an explosion.
I turn around to see five phantom rays chasing us. They fired a wave of bullets at us.
I shouted through the radio "We are under attack!" I fired my gyro blaster at a phantom ray. Each time the plane spun dodging each blast. Then it fired ten well aimed missiles. I shot a ray of bullets,each one hitting a missiles. The missiles exploded one foot away from me.
Bombs bomber attacked firing 2 rockets which both hit its mark. The phantom ray started falling when I saw a man come out of the falling plane. He put on a jet pack and flew up to my helicopter.
The man used a grappling and grappled my helicopter. He swung and reached my helicopter.
 He he got on and started firing his laser gun jumped over each one. I took my mustache and set it on
sword mode and attacked. He took out another gun and fired. I reflected each one of the bullets. I quickly changed the mustache mode to laser gun I shot five times. The man dodged each one the he said " You missed."
I replied saying " I usually miss, but not this time." I had activated the powerful sprinkler system. The water blasted on him.
" What, no!"
He slipped and fell off the helicopter.
"You may have defeated me. But you will never make it to frost city."
That's when I saw a rocket flying toward my helicopter. The explosion broke my helicopter blades, the helicopter started falling fast. I jumped out of the broken helicopter not knowing If I will ever survive.

Will Mustachio ever survive. Find out in part 2.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Final test part 2

If you have not read part 1 scroll down.

I was surrounded by guards with no means of escape.
I took my mustache quickly and set it to smoke bomb. I threw the mustache at the nearest guard. The explosion set of a wave of confusion. The mustache flew back to me. I had to think of an escape plan fast. That was where I saw a trap door above me.
I jumped opened the trap door and  used the grappling mustache to climb up to what was the second floor.
I ran as fast as I could dodging the falling stones. All the guards in the entire fortress were chasing me. I looked backwards to see the guards that's when I did not see the trip wire.
I fell onto the hard rocky floor. The guards were catching up fast, I got up on my feet and continued to run. The trip wire had activated an electrical wall.  I had no means escape, the guards started firing there stun guns. I dodged the incoming bullets. Then I charged straight into the crowd of guards. Quickly I threw my smoke bomb mustache. I took the stun guard which I had taken from a guard and fired at the electrical wall many times. The machine exploded sending most guards flying. I continued on my way. The guards got back to there senses "Get him he is going to exit."
Then one guard took out his stun gun and shot at a wall.
The floor started to rumble and quake. Stones from the ceiling started falling, that when I saw those were not stones they were stun bombs. I started to sprint dodging the falling stun bombs. Right when I was near the exit when a huge stun bomb fell in front of me "Oh no". I jumped to the side to escape the explosion.
Then  the floor collapsed under my feet, I fell down only a few feet. This time I fell into an unfamiliar room. It had white marble floors, that was when I realized this wasn't a regular room it was the restroom. I just hope this is the men's restroom I thought to myself. I started to walk to the exit, when I tried to open the door I found out it was lock. Then cannons came of the wall, each of them fired huge powerful blasts of freezing cold water. I tried to opened the door again when a  blast of water it my legs I tried the move my legs but they were frozen to the ground.
I took my mustache at blasted a beam of fire at my legs. My legs were freed, I stared to destroy the water cannons with my laser gun. The cannons exploded at water started flood in the bathroom. That's when heard I hear a toilet flush. A bathroom stall opened, it was a guard.
When he saw me he said "Hey " and started shooting me with a stun gun.
Well now I know this is the men's restroom.
I used my mustache rocket launcher to blast open the door. The water gushed out, Flowing me and the soaked flag to the exit. The doors opened because of the force of the water. I fell down onto the water soaked sand.
That's when I heard "Great job mustachio you are officially a EIA secret agent." I looked up to see recruiter holding the flag.

Mustachio has finally became an official agent. Join him on his first mission,  The Ambassadors cruise