Saturday, August 1, 2015

Final test part 2

If you have not read part 1 scroll down.

I was surrounded by guards with no means of escape.
I took my mustache quickly and set it to smoke bomb. I threw the mustache at the nearest guard. The explosion set of a wave of confusion. The mustache flew back to me. I had to think of an escape plan fast. That was where I saw a trap door above me.
I jumped opened the trap door and  used the grappling mustache to climb up to what was the second floor.
I ran as fast as I could dodging the falling stones. All the guards in the entire fortress were chasing me. I looked backwards to see the guards that's when I did not see the trip wire.
I fell onto the hard rocky floor. The guards were catching up fast, I got up on my feet and continued to run. The trip wire had activated an electrical wall.  I had no means escape, the guards started firing there stun guns. I dodged the incoming bullets. Then I charged straight into the crowd of guards. Quickly I threw my smoke bomb mustache. I took the stun guard which I had taken from a guard and fired at the electrical wall many times. The machine exploded sending most guards flying. I continued on my way. The guards got back to there senses "Get him he is going to exit."
Then one guard took out his stun gun and shot at a wall.
The floor started to rumble and quake. Stones from the ceiling started falling, that when I saw those were not stones they were stun bombs. I started to sprint dodging the falling stun bombs. Right when I was near the exit when a huge stun bomb fell in front of me "Oh no". I jumped to the side to escape the explosion.
Then  the floor collapsed under my feet, I fell down only a few feet. This time I fell into an unfamiliar room. It had white marble floors, that was when I realized this wasn't a regular room it was the restroom. I just hope this is the men's restroom I thought to myself. I started to walk to the exit, when I tried to open the door I found out it was lock. Then cannons came of the wall, each of them fired huge powerful blasts of freezing cold water. I tried to opened the door again when a  blast of water it my legs I tried the move my legs but they were frozen to the ground.
I took my mustache at blasted a beam of fire at my legs. My legs were freed, I stared to destroy the water cannons with my laser gun. The cannons exploded at water started flood in the bathroom. That's when heard I hear a toilet flush. A bathroom stall opened, it was a guard.
When he saw me he said "Hey " and started shooting me with a stun gun.
Well now I know this is the men's restroom.
I used my mustache rocket launcher to blast open the door. The water gushed out, Flowing me and the soaked flag to the exit. The doors opened because of the force of the water. I fell down onto the water soaked sand.
That's when I heard "Great job mustachio you are officially a EIA secret agent." I looked up to see recruiter holding the flag.

Mustachio has finally became an official agent. Join him on his first mission,  The Ambassadors cruise

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