Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Mustachio mission part 2

To read part 1 scroll down

I was going to die. I had no parachute and I was falling from the sky. After 20 seconds of falling I landed with a thud.
"Mustachio wake up!"
I opened my eyes to see Bomber.
"Bomber what happened to my helicopter?" I asked.
"Its right here but it is not going to fly anytime soon."
Bomb was right the blades were broken, the engine was busted, and the front of the helicopter was crumpled.
I looked around at my surroundings , I was on bombers huge plane.

 "Well you are with me for now" said Bomber.
Just then the phantom rays that were chasing us were firing again.
"Duck!" I yelled.

The bullets missed us by an inch.
Bomber went to the cockpit and turned the plane. He fired three rockets. The phantom ray dodged each one easily. Another phantom ray flew right over us sending down twenty bombs at us.
Bomb threw one well aimed bomb. the bomb exploded destroying the other bombs.
Then five men jumped out of the phantom ray and attacked us. They shot at us continually, then Bomber threw a small bomb which when it exploded it knocked of three of the men of the plane.
Bomber threw another bomb o get rid of the other two masked men. But to our dismay one of the masked men shot at it making it explode to early. I started firing my laser. Each time I missed. Then one of the men ran toward me and tried to tackle me. I dodged making him fall of the plane. The last man took out his jet pack and flew into the air.  Thinking he was running away I turned around. That was when i heard an explosion behind me. The masked man was firing rockets at me. I took my mustache and started firing darts at my opponent. One dart hit his jet pack which turned it downwards. This caused the man to fly off and hit a phantom ray. The phantom ray started falling.
There were only 2 phantom rays left. Sci's plane fired three green rockets which exploded  when it exploded a blue fog covered the plane. The plane started to fall. Now there was only one plane left.
The one phantom ray flew straight toward Bomber's plane. I fired my rocket launcher at it but I had missed. Then a fighter flew at 4000 mph rammed right into the phantom ray. The phantom ray's wing were broken and the body was badly damaged. The plane started to fall when the fighter jet fired a bullet. The bullet hit the engine, the spy plane exploded in flames. Then I recognized the plane it was Chase's jet. We continued on our way to Frost city. The rest of the journey was uneventful other then few more phantom rays and a jet pack man. After another 3 hours we reached Frost city airport. We left our planes at the airport and took a train(the conductor was Mr.Bobby) to frost city port where the cruise ship was docked.
The cruise ship was only going to leave tomorrow afternoon so we decided to get some good sleep.
We decided to stay at  frozen hotel.
We all went to sleep on our comfy memory foam beds. All but me, I couldn't sleep after what all happened today.
After 3 hours of being awake it was 1:00 am. That was when I heard metal clinking at the door. 
Then the door creaked open. 6 men in masks came in. I pretended to sleep leaving one eye open.
Each one of them had a laser shooter but one had a rope and a sleeping gas canister.
The man with the rope took the sleeping a gas and sprayed it at each one of us. After each one was sprayed they tied us up. I was last to be gassed I held my breath so I wouldn't be put to sleep. They tied me up thinking that I was asleep. They took us outside through the hotel back door where a truck was waiting. The masked men threw us inside the truck and started to drive away.

Will Mustachio ever escape find out in part 3.

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