Friday, November 27, 2015

Mustachios mission one part 4

I hit the water quickly and started sinking like a rock. The rocket continued after me but once it touched the surface of the ocean it exploded
I was still sinking and I could not hold my breath anymore. I quickly turned on my mustache (which was water proof) and set it to propeller mode. The mustache became a disk and got a propeller. The propeller spun at high speed and brought me up to the surface. The propeller continued to fly me up into the air. I turned the mustache in to a grappling hook and got myself on board the ship.
I started looking for the man that fired the rocket but did not find him. That was when I bumped into Bomber and the rest of team 20. Bomber then said, " Hi Mustachio we finished investigating the ship." When Bomber saw that I was wet he said, "Mustachio what happened to you."
"First you guys tell what happened." Chase and Breaker first told "We checked the exercise facilities but there was not much everything was normal." Then Ninj spoke " The ambassadors body guards wont even protect him most were just eating and sleeping. I also checked the ambassadors quarters, the place was pretty secure."
Then Bomber said, "Our adventure was more exciting.When we entered the kitchen I greeted by amazing cream croissants and sweet candy pizza, eclairs covered in chocolate, caramel apples with sprinkles on top. There was also Dulce de leche Cheesecake, fruit parfait, Gouda, shortbread,enchiladas....."
Sci interrupted Bombers long list and said "I was looking around in the cabinets to see if any poisons were stored and Bomber just ate all the food in the refrigerator. I was going to look inside the last cabinet when the cook stopped me right away and started whacking us with a rolling pin. When we got out we decide to join Ninj in his search when someone shot lasers at us. We started running away quickly. I turned to look back and saw the silhouette of a man running away. I inferred that this was the man that shot at us."
"So someone is on board trying to stop the ambassador" I said.
"What happened to you then?" asked Bomber
I told how I met Senor Rodriguez the magician and how someone fired a homing missile. Then I told " I have a feeling that the cook and the man who fired a rocket at me have something in common. We will all investigating at dark."
It was night time,everyone was asleep except 6 people. We all were dressed in dark clothes to be unseen. Ninj was the most disguised he was virtually unnoticed. We silently went Through the dark hallways of the ship. There was no noise except for the oceans crashing waves. We moved quickly toward the kitchens. We opened the door slowly and carefully. We slipped inside and slowly moved toward the uninvestigated  cabinet. Luckily there was no food outside to tempt Bombers taste buds. We opened the cabinet and inside was a secret passage. We got in and went down the stairs. We were about to step in the room when I saw three people already there. We silently watched them. The three was the chef ,a masked man and Senor Rodriguez!
" Is every thing ready Rodriguez" said the masked man.
"Si" replied the magician
"Then lets get out of this boat. My helicopter is ready." said the mysterious man.
The bad guys started walking toward the secret staircase. When the mysterious man had climbed two steps we attacked.
I stuck out my leg and the mysterious man fell down toppling his accomplices. Bomber turned on the light and we stepped out of hiding.
" Its the EIA secret agents and its that Fat guy who almost ate all our food." said the chef.
The magician was on his feet first. He got up and shot three fire balls with his hidden mechanism. The attack missed and Sci quickly took out his laser gun and started shooting. By then the other two got up and attacked. The chef took out what looked like a rocket launcher and fired. It was a taco launcher. The taco had some secret ingredient that no good cook with want, gunpowder. The taco exploded making me fall down. Rodriguez attack he had a sword in his hand and he said,"En garde!"
I took out my Mustache and converted it into a sword. I quickly countered the incoming sword attack. I swiped to the right he blocked vertically. Then the magician put his sword on fire and he attack the sword was knocked out of my hands and on to the ground. I reached out to grab the sword back when the magician disappeared and appeared right in front of me stopping me in my tracks.
Then the magician said," Your completely helpless without your mustache."
I replied saying "Not completely" I got to my feet and kicked the magician flamethrower to the ground. I then did a quick front flip and landed right next to my mustache. I took my mustache sword and converted it to a taser. By the time I fixed my mustache Rodrigo was escaping. I quickly got into action. I started to run after him when I heard a "whoosh" i looked up to see a black spy drone it was the magicians. The magician grabbed on and started flying away. I threw my mustache and hit Rodrigo's hand with full force. The drone tipped over sending the magician into the water. Then I heard an explosion back in the kitchen. I ran toward the sound when I reached I saw a Bomber throwing smoke bombs at the cook. I rushed to help him when the cook took out a sauce bottle and threw it at us. I dodged the bottle but Bomber was not so fortunate the ghost pepper sauce got in his mouth and he started crying. I started to shoot lasers at the cook but the cook blocked the attack with a berry shield. Then the cook then took a cheese shooter and shot a gallon of melted cheese at me. I did not escape this time I was stuck in a gooey mess. Then the cook took most deadly weapon high fructose corn syrup. " No ,not that please I do not want to be fat" said Bomber. The chef however still fired straight for us ,it looked like the end.

Will Mustachio be defeated will Bomber get destroyed by corn syrup his favorite ingredient. Stay tuned and find out in

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How to make a 3d projector with smartphone Ipad template bellow

Monday, October 12, 2015

Mustachio mission #1 part 3

I had to escape some how out of this truck. Who knew where they were taking us.  I looked around it was very dark I could only see the silhouettes of the rest of the team. Then I found our kidnappers greatest mistake, they forgot about my mustache. When I tried to reach for my mustache I remembered that my hands were tied to my back. That was when I felt something behind me it was Bomber's bomb lighter. I took the lighter and set fire to my ropes. I got my hands freed and took my mustache pocket knife I and cut the ropes on my team mates. They were still fast asleep not knowing what was happening.
I decided to pay the drivers a quick visit. I took my mustache and put it on laser cutter mode. I cut a gaping hole in the truck. The truck was on the thriller highway and going fast.  I cut again to go to the drivers seat of the truck. I saw two masked men both having black suits on.
Then I said "What is happening."
Then they replied unknowingly " We were paid to take you and your team to the thrillepic ocean. Then we were told to put you on a small boat and send you off so that you can not be able to go on the cruise ship."
After a 20 seconds the driver told in surprise, " What how did you escape!"
 Immediately I took my stun gun and stunned both of the surprised men. I took control of the truck and turned it around. I crashed into a huge amount of cars and got onto the next lane. And I started driving back to our hotel.
After crashing into what seemed like millions of cars we reached back at our hotel. By then the rest of the team woke up. We took our bags and checked out of our hotel.
By the time we reached the cruise ship the SS Ambassador the ship was about to leave. We got on the ship and got to our cabin quickly.
We decided to do a little tour around the ship and get to know everybody. We went to the lower deck and started our search in the dining hall. The dining hall was huge with an assortment of breakfast items. I started to look around the place there was no sign of any suspicious behavior, everything was  normal. That was when Bomber came to me with his face stuffed with food said " Mustachio, have you tried these cream croissants? They're great."
"Bomb, we came here to protect the ambassador. Not to eat."
"OK you guys go on with your investigation I will try those strawberry tarts now."
The team got out of the dining room(except Bomber ). We decided to see the ambassador first, and the search did not last long. The whole of the third floor was his. We found ourselves facing a huge burly guard. In a serious voice he said " Who are you, and state your business with the ambassador. I took out my gold, white and blue badge and showed it to the guard and said, " We are agents sent by the EIA to ensure the ambassador is safe."
The guard let us in and then said " To get to the ambassador take the first left walk 5 min till you reach a blue door enter and you will find another hallway go straight turn right then turn right again then you will find another blue door. Enter that one and then turn right then turn right and you will find a white door this is where the ambassador is staying."
We went straight and then told to Sci " Do you remember what the guard said I forgot. "
Sci then said "I remember just follow me."
It took 20 min until we found ourselves in the same spot we were before. We heard the burly guard laughing at us " Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho."
That was when I realized the white door was here all along. We entered the room and saw an large  wooden desk in the center of the room and saw 5 bunk beds next to it. There was thin man sitting on the chair and wore green glasses.  "Hello, you must be the secret agents the EIA sent to protect me. I am sorry but as you see we have top notch security and guards who never sleep and only protect me."
I looked around and saw 20 guards who were in deep sleep even though it was 1:00 pm. I also saw 5 video cameras that were all broken and sending sparks all around. Then the ambassador told," Actually we may need more security you are now my bodyguards. "
We left the ambassador and decided to do a little investigation. We first went to the dining room to get Bomber who was munching on a French pastry. Together we decided to split up and check each part of the ship. Breaker and Chase decided to search the exercise facilities, Ninj decided to look at the ambassadors "security." Bomber and Sci decided to look in the kitchens and I looked on the deck.
I found nothing out of the unusual other than someone I definitely knew munching on a croissant on his way to the kitchen. I was looking at Bomber when I bumped into a man with a yellow cape.
I quickly said " Sorry "
Upon closer exception I said "Who are you"
The man answered in a low voice saying " My name is Senor Rodrigo, I am the magician for the Ambassador."
To know if he was telling  the truth I said, "can you show me one of your magic tricks"
"Sure" he said.
Then suddenly there was an explosion of smoke and Rodrigo disappeared. Then two seconds later he appeared behind me.
"Wow that was amazing" I replied in awe.
" I will show you something else"
He raised his hand and fire came out. This one was a fail I saw a glint of metal which probably was a flame thrower.
"Wow" I said pretending to be amazed.
" I have to go now and do some work bye."
I left the magician and started walking when I saw a rocket coming at me. I ran as fast as I could but I found it was to fast and was a heat seeking missile. I found myself cornered between the rocket and the ships railing. I had no time to activate the mustache so I jumped into the freezing cold water of the ocean.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Team 20 of the EIA

The character list for Mustachio videos


Davids Thrillers and Davins Epic page  presents to you the summer 2015 robot contest. Our robots will compete in two events robot racing  and a robot fight. Please stay tuned for the epic contest results and videos.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Mustachio mission part 2

To read part 1 scroll down

I was going to die. I had no parachute and I was falling from the sky. After 20 seconds of falling I landed with a thud.
"Mustachio wake up!"
I opened my eyes to see Bomber.
"Bomber what happened to my helicopter?" I asked.
"Its right here but it is not going to fly anytime soon."
Bomb was right the blades were broken, the engine was busted, and the front of the helicopter was crumpled.
I looked around at my surroundings , I was on bombers huge plane.

 "Well you are with me for now" said Bomber.
Just then the phantom rays that were chasing us were firing again.
"Duck!" I yelled.

The bullets missed us by an inch.
Bomber went to the cockpit and turned the plane. He fired three rockets. The phantom ray dodged each one easily. Another phantom ray flew right over us sending down twenty bombs at us.
Bomb threw one well aimed bomb. the bomb exploded destroying the other bombs.
Then five men jumped out of the phantom ray and attacked us. They shot at us continually, then Bomber threw a small bomb which when it exploded it knocked of three of the men of the plane.
Bomber threw another bomb o get rid of the other two masked men. But to our dismay one of the masked men shot at it making it explode to early. I started firing my laser. Each time I missed. Then one of the men ran toward me and tried to tackle me. I dodged making him fall of the plane. The last man took out his jet pack and flew into the air.  Thinking he was running away I turned around. That was when i heard an explosion behind me. The masked man was firing rockets at me. I took my mustache and started firing darts at my opponent. One dart hit his jet pack which turned it downwards. This caused the man to fly off and hit a phantom ray. The phantom ray started falling.
There were only 2 phantom rays left. Sci's plane fired three green rockets which exploded  when it exploded a blue fog covered the plane. The plane started to fall. Now there was only one plane left.
The one phantom ray flew straight toward Bomber's plane. I fired my rocket launcher at it but I had missed. Then a fighter flew at 4000 mph rammed right into the phantom ray. The phantom ray's wing were broken and the body was badly damaged. The plane started to fall when the fighter jet fired a bullet. The bullet hit the engine, the spy plane exploded in flames. Then I recognized the plane it was Chase's jet. We continued on our way to Frost city. The rest of the journey was uneventful other then few more phantom rays and a jet pack man. After another 3 hours we reached Frost city airport. We left our planes at the airport and took a train(the conductor was Mr.Bobby) to frost city port where the cruise ship was docked.
The cruise ship was only going to leave tomorrow afternoon so we decided to get some good sleep.
We decided to stay at  frozen hotel.
We all went to sleep on our comfy memory foam beds. All but me, I couldn't sleep after what all happened today.
After 3 hours of being awake it was 1:00 am. That was when I heard metal clinking at the door. 
Then the door creaked open. 6 men in masks came in. I pretended to sleep leaving one eye open.
Each one of them had a laser shooter but one had a rope and a sleeping gas canister.
The man with the rope took the sleeping a gas and sprayed it at each one of us. After each one was sprayed they tied us up. I was last to be gassed I held my breath so I wouldn't be put to sleep. They tied me up thinking that I was asleep. They took us outside through the hotel back door where a truck was waiting. The masked men threw us inside the truck and started to drive away.

Will Mustachio ever escape find out in part 3.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Mustachio Mission #1

"Trainer said I needed a spy vehicle", I said to Rider
"Well I have the perfect vehicle" replied Rider
He showed me a blue and white small car " This car is the fastest car we have but it is still very efficient. It can turn into jet ski and also a super silent helicopter. The weapons of this vehicle is a gravitron."
"What is a gravitron do?" I asked.
"It fires a blue bolt the sends anything flying away. There is also a rocket launcher gyro blaster grenade, fire blaster, small canon and machine gun."
"How much do I have to pay for this?'
"Nothing, you just need to pass the final test"
"Thanks bye."
I went to the cafeteria and sat at team 20 table where all my team was there.
"How did you guys pass the final test?" I asked.
Bomb answered first, " I blasted everyone with stun bombs and rockets"
"You almost destroyed the fortress" said Ninj ,"I climbed up the walls and sneaked pass everyone"
The  breaker said "I rammed into everyone"
The Sci said " This is off topic, but general Boss said he wanted to see us at control center.
"Lets go' I said.
When we reached the control center general boss said " This is very urgent team 20. I have a big  mission for you. Have you heard that the Ambassador of  frost city."
"Yes" said Sci, "isn't he also coming here for government reasons tomorrow on a cruise ship."
"Yes, all of that is true but we have intercepted a radio message which Compute will play for you."
Compute the computer operator played the message which said ," The plan is working boss, the
ambassador is never going to reach his destination. Teams 1,2 and 3 are all set on the cruise ship."
" Well as you can clearly see this is a plot against the government. This is where you will come in. We will give you tickets for the cruise so you can find any 
suspicious behavior and protect the ambassador."
We went out of EIA headquarters to where our spy vehicles were at. Bomber's was a truck, Breaker's was a tank which could also fold into a van, Ninj's was a  black Mustang, Chase's was a sports car.
We all got into our vehicles and started driving. Through radio contact Breaker asked, where are we going"
"Don't you know"I replied"we are going to frost city through the thrillepic ocean."
After 20 min of driving in the country side we reached the beach.
"Let's now go into flight mode" said Sci
My car turned into a blue and white sleek helicopter." Let's go" I said.
At 500 miles an hour we flew across the thrillepic ocean.
After 20 min of uninteresting flying, Bomb shouted through the radio, " Watch out!"
I quickly made my helicopter dive down. That's when I heard an explosion.
I turn around to see five phantom rays chasing us. They fired a wave of bullets at us.
I shouted through the radio "We are under attack!" I fired my gyro blaster at a phantom ray. Each time the plane spun dodging each blast. Then it fired ten well aimed missiles. I shot a ray of bullets,each one hitting a missiles. The missiles exploded one foot away from me.
Bombs bomber attacked firing 2 rockets which both hit its mark. The phantom ray started falling when I saw a man come out of the falling plane. He put on a jet pack and flew up to my helicopter.
The man used a grappling and grappled my helicopter. He swung and reached my helicopter.
 He he got on and started firing his laser gun jumped over each one. I took my mustache and set it on
sword mode and attacked. He took out another gun and fired. I reflected each one of the bullets. I quickly changed the mustache mode to laser gun I shot five times. The man dodged each one the he said " You missed."
I replied saying " I usually miss, but not this time." I had activated the powerful sprinkler system. The water blasted on him.
" What, no!"
He slipped and fell off the helicopter.
"You may have defeated me. But you will never make it to frost city."
That's when I saw a rocket flying toward my helicopter. The explosion broke my helicopter blades, the helicopter started falling fast. I jumped out of the broken helicopter not knowing If I will ever survive.

Will Mustachio ever survive. Find out in part 2.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Final test part 2

If you have not read part 1 scroll down.

I was surrounded by guards with no means of escape.
I took my mustache quickly and set it to smoke bomb. I threw the mustache at the nearest guard. The explosion set of a wave of confusion. The mustache flew back to me. I had to think of an escape plan fast. That was where I saw a trap door above me.
I jumped opened the trap door and  used the grappling mustache to climb up to what was the second floor.
I ran as fast as I could dodging the falling stones. All the guards in the entire fortress were chasing me. I looked backwards to see the guards that's when I did not see the trip wire.
I fell onto the hard rocky floor. The guards were catching up fast, I got up on my feet and continued to run. The trip wire had activated an electrical wall.  I had no means escape, the guards started firing there stun guns. I dodged the incoming bullets. Then I charged straight into the crowd of guards. Quickly I threw my smoke bomb mustache. I took the stun guard which I had taken from a guard and fired at the electrical wall many times. The machine exploded sending most guards flying. I continued on my way. The guards got back to there senses "Get him he is going to exit."
Then one guard took out his stun gun and shot at a wall.
The floor started to rumble and quake. Stones from the ceiling started falling, that when I saw those were not stones they were stun bombs. I started to sprint dodging the falling stun bombs. Right when I was near the exit when a huge stun bomb fell in front of me "Oh no". I jumped to the side to escape the explosion.
Then  the floor collapsed under my feet, I fell down only a few feet. This time I fell into an unfamiliar room. It had white marble floors, that was when I realized this wasn't a regular room it was the restroom. I just hope this is the men's restroom I thought to myself. I started to walk to the exit, when I tried to open the door I found out it was lock. Then cannons came of the wall, each of them fired huge powerful blasts of freezing cold water. I tried to opened the door again when a  blast of water it my legs I tried the move my legs but they were frozen to the ground.
I took my mustache at blasted a beam of fire at my legs. My legs were freed, I stared to destroy the water cannons with my laser gun. The cannons exploded at water started flood in the bathroom. That's when heard I hear a toilet flush. A bathroom stall opened, it was a guard.
When he saw me he said "Hey " and started shooting me with a stun gun.
Well now I know this is the men's restroom.
I used my mustache rocket launcher to blast open the door. The water gushed out, Flowing me and the soaked flag to the exit. The doors opened because of the force of the water. I fell down onto the water soaked sand.
That's when I heard "Great job mustachio you are officially a EIA secret agent." I looked up to see recruiter holding the flag.

Mustachio has finally became an official agent. Join him on his first mission,  The Ambassadors cruise

Friday, July 31, 2015

The Final test

"It's time Mustachio"said Trainer
I quickly got up out of bed. It was the middle of the night. I put on my black secret agent suit and put on my hi tech Mustache. Trying not to wake the others up, I tip toed my way to the exit outside where Recruiter was patiently waiting.
"It's time, get in" said Recruiter. I got in Recruiter's small blue spy car.
"Is everything ready?" I asked.
Recruiter replied saying"Yes, just remember this is not real,just a set up.So don't hurt anyone, just get the flag."
"Got it."
The car stopped, "Here's where I will have to leave you" said Recruiter"goodbye and good luck"

I was left alone on the rocky terrain. The fortress was even bigger then what I imagined. I took of my mustache and set it to binocular mode. There was no part of the fortress that was not guarded. Each guard had a stun gun which would only stun you and will not hurt. Before I did anything I set my mustache to stun gun. I started walking toward the heavily guarded fortress when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around without looking I fired. It was a guard, the guard was just about to shoot.
I looked at the fortress there was no chance I would get passed all those  guards. I looked at the guard, there was only one way to get.
I approach the heavily guarded main entrance, disguised with the guards clothes I said,"um..can I please go to the restroom."
"Be quick, I have the feeling that Mustachio is going to enter the fortress soon" said the guard.
The guard opened the metal door which led to a long winding hallway full of guards. Without the disguise I would have never survived. After the hallway was a small room which I knew had traps.
I took a stone out of my pocket and rolled it across the marble floor. Automatic stun guns started shooting at the stone. I ran across the hallway and jumped over the stone which was being shot at
by all the guns. I continued further until I reached a checkered floor . I stepped on the first square, the square was actually a switch. A big robotized cannon came out the wall it started firing stun bombs at me, I ran as fast as I can down the hallway. I was only a few feet away when I stepped on another switch. This time a humongous plastic ball  fell from the ceiling and started rolling towards me. I as fast as I could. I reached the next room which the ball could not enter.
This new room was filled with guards who were all around the EIA flag. The guards all stared at me.
Then one guard said,"wait a minute isn't that Mustachio."
At that a ran at towards the flag toppling down two surprised guards. I snatched the flag I ran as fast as I could. I ran as fast as I could to the exit.

Can Mustachio pass the final test?Find out in part 2!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Rise of Mustachio Part 3

Scroll down for part 2

After a few seconds we reached another room "This is your squad room make it feel like home" said Recruiter.We went into the room the walls were aqua blue and the floors were wood. Recruiter introduced me to team 20.
"This is Chase"said Recruiter pointing to a short thin man in tennis shoes and a green T-shirt.
"Finally a real name. Why do they call you Chase?"
"Because I'm faster then anyone here" replied chase.
"This is Bomber as you can probably tell he likes bombs" said recruiter this time pointing to a big heavy man with an XXL  T-shirt that said bombs are awesome.
"Hello" I said.
" Have you seen my dog  bomber dog anywhere."
"Well no"
"This is Breaker" said Recruiter who pointed at a heavily muscled man"this is Ninj" who was a small man in black clothes and ski mask" and finally this is Sci the science expert and marksman."
"Well this is your team for your entire time at EIA. I will come back to start your training"and with that recruiter went out.
After a minute of silence Ninj spoke up " Make yourself comfortable, this is your bed."
Then chase said "lets play tag."
"No you always win at that"said Sci"let's all quiz each other on EIA rules."
"No we will all arm wrestle"said Breaker
We all argued for ten minutes when Recruiter came back. "Mustachio! It is Time to start your training.
We went into another room it was a gigantic room filled with exercise machines, mechanical targets, huge obstacle courses, hurdles and a huge track and a turf field.
" This is agent Trainer,he will be teaching you for a year."said Recruiter
" Hello Mustachio you will first start with target practice. Take out your mustache and shoot at that bulls eye."
I took out the mustache from my pocket and selected the laser shooter. I aimed and shot at the target I missed by a yard. The laser ricocheted off the wall and the laser hit the punching bag which immediately burst into flames"  whoops  sorry about that "
Trainer took out a fire extinguisher and extinguished the fire.
"Well we will have to work on your aim. Lets test your speed now"said trainer.

After some time
After some time (a  year of punching bag fires, team arguments and running laps) trainer said "It is time for your final test."
"What do I have to do" I asked.

" In the outskirts of the town is a fortress which was made by EIA. On the day of the test the place will be heavily guarded. The objective of this is to get into the fortress and get the EIA flag in the heart of the fortress without being captured."
"Do I get any help?"
"No, just you and your mustache" replied trainer."Are you ready Mustachio"
"Of course, I am always ready."

Is Mustachio really ready to become and official agent? Join him next time in the FINAL TEST.  

Rise of Mustachio Part Two

If you have not read part 1 please scroll down.

"Wow!"said Nate in amazement.
Recruiter started to speak again"We are the intelligence agency of Epic city. We stop terrorist attacks and criminals which the public don't know anything about.
"So why am I here?"asked Nate.
"You will see soon"replied Recruiter.
"Can you tell me where I can get a shave?"

 Recruiter ignored the question and continued walking down marble tiled hallway.
After about two minutes of walking Recruiter stopped at a light blue door with a sign on top that said The Big BOSS. Recruiter knocked on the door and then a loud voice told " Come in!"
Inside was a short man who was sitting next to a huge wooden desk. The man spoke a "Welcome,welcome please take a seat.Nate you probably wondering why you are here. Every year we recruit someone new. This year you are the one chosen. Hope you enjoy your new job." Then the man spoke to Recruiter "Take him to agent craft."          
Recruiter replied saying "Yes boss."
Recruiter and I walked toward another room.This time it was a huge lab filled with every sort of gadget in the world. A man in a blue and white lab coat came to us and said to recruiter "Is this the new agent this year."
Recruiter replied saying"Yes agent craft, general Boss wanted for you to give him a special gadget."
 "Well I think I have the perfect thing for you." Agent craft started going through a hundred drawers finally he got something very small   "Here it is! I have been saving this for a few weeks. It is the most hi tech gadget we got."
It was a dark brown mustache. Then I said "How is a detachable mustache hi tech?"
"Watch this" replied Craft. Craft took back the mustache and pressed a hidden button a touch screen panel popped out with what looked like many apps. Craft pressed one labeled laser cutter and
pointed the mustache toward a cereal box. A laser beam started to cu-

t a hole in the box. Piles and piles of Cheerios fell and cluttered the lab. Craft pressed another app a beam of fire burned the Cheerios.
"Now you can see why this is hi tech"said Craft.
"What a waste of perfectly good Cheerios.
Recruiter then spoke up " Nate as a custom here we make new names for new recruits."
"No wonder everyone has weird names" Nate said.
" Your new name will be Mustachio. You are agent  number 82 and general boss said you will be in squad 20. "continued Recruiter,"Lets go meet them"

 Prepare yourself for part 3 coming soon!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Rise of Mustachio part 1

The Rise of Mustachio

It is another normal day in Epic city where Nate goes for his regular shave at Hare hair barbers.
Hare Hair barbers 
The bell rings when Nate opens the creaking old wooden door. The place is empty apart from hair all around. Nate thought to himself I will sit down and wait. After one min of waiting the ceiling broke and a man in all black landed in ninja pose. Nate in surprise said, " You are not my regular barber, who are you?"
"My name is the recruiter."
"What kind of name is that, and where is my barber."
The man stayed silent and walked toward me. He took out a black metal key and opened a small wooden door  inside was a series of different color buttons. Recruiter pressed all buttons simultaneously. The floor  the chair started to spin and then the part of the floor that we were on went down like an elevator another set of doors appeared. The man named recruiter typed in the password and open the door. To my great surprise was a huge blue and white tiled hall full of computers, equipment, machines, more computers, offices and even more computers. Then Recruiter said "Welcome to EIA headquarters!"

Stay tuned for part two!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Stick Kid profile

Stick Kid

Stick kid is a normal kid in the stick district of epic city. Well maybe he is not so normal. His adventures are what makes him not the kind you think of as normal.Most of these adventures  take place in his school SMS (Stick Middle school) his teacher Mrs. Ragemen ( as you can tell she is not the teacher you want). Titles that will come in this series would be, School wars,Destination the past, and stick kid unleashed. Also a few holiday specials like that is not Santa and The fourth of July. Get ready for Stick Kids Epic adventures.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Mustachio profile


In the heart of Epic city live the not famous Mustachio. Mustachio's real name is Nate but everyone calls him Mustachio (learn why in the first story). Mustachio is a secret agent for the EIA (Epic Intelligence Agency). The mustache of Mustachio is high tech gadget which looks really like a mustache. One gadget is his fake mustache catches on fire, another gadget is a laser shooter and smoke bomb. Join Mustachio on his epic missions. The next story is the Rise of Mustachio.

Gadget list

  • Powerful light
  • Smoke bomb*
  • Pyromustache
  •  Laser shooter 
  • grappling hook*
  • Put armor on
  • drill*
  • boxing gloves
  • propeller*
  • rocket laucher
  • laser cuter*
  • parachute
  • cell phone
  • GPS
  • and many more to come.

*only can be used when Mustachio takes off his mustache


Here you can find many stories (coming soon!)games(coming soon!)and riddles(coming soon!). We will put stories of the main characters, Stick kid,Mustachio,and Slow mo. I hope you enjoy this epic blog (Please put this place into favorites or bookmark).
